
I wasn't sure how it was going to go as I had never trained at a gym before. I started with two sessions a week and soon started to see results and got hooked!

The main motivator for me was seeing my performance get better as well as my weight going down.

Cutting down on the drinking and the hangover munchies was my main challenge. With Matt’s guidance, I modified my diet and applied it myself for the first 6 months and the results speak for themself.

The difference now is knowing how to enjoy myself without putting the weight back on!

I could become unmotivated or annoyed with myself if I had a big weekend but matt kept me on track with his realistic approach.

Every now and then it goes a bit off but the most important thing is to get back on it. 

I noticed a big difference in how I am feeling in the mornings. Before I would struggle to get up and snooze my alarm for as long as possible.

Now I get up early, get things done and still have the energy to work on my feet all day, then do whatever I want at night. It’s a great feeling, the days are much longer now!


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